A Call to All and Every Arab
Jihad Khazen Al-Hayat - 26/07/06/
I hereby declare that I am withdrawing my recognition of Israel.
It is not a state. It is a criminal enterprise, more dangerous than any known mafia. A mafia family may bribe one judge. Israel has bought the whole (American) system, which has installed itself as judge to the world.
Israel is not the only democracy in the Middle East, as it is touted. It is institutionalized state terrorism. Figures don't lie and they tell us that Israel killed five times more Palestinian civilians than it lost since 29/09/2001. And in the latest outbreak of fighting with Hizbullah it has killed ten times more Lebanese civilians than it has lost, a Nazi ratio. There is terrorism on both sides, but the numbers show us that Israel is five times more terrorists than all the Palestinian and Lebanese groups put together. Any person who rejects the so-called "moral equivalency" is a neo-Nazi terrorist.
As a Lebanese, I did not have to recognize Israel. My country did not sign a peace treaty with Israel. But I have always regarded myself as an advocate of peace, and after 1993 I decided to be at the forefront of the peace march. I promised myself to see Jerusalem for the first time since the end of 1966.
My opposition to Israel was passive. I boycotted everything Israeli or connected with Israel. But peace was around the corner, or so I thought, and I gradually ended my boycott, without (knowingly) contacting Israeli individuals so as not to break Lebanese law. Having lived in London since 1975 I entered Marks and Spencer for the first time in my life in 1995.
But Israeli extremists killed the only prime minister who could deliver the peace, and he was succeeded by a professional loser, and eventually thugs and war criminals, and finally a new Fuhrer, or cappo di tutti cappi.
Israel has killed thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, including whole families. We have seen the pictures. We have heard the cries of children. Terrorism is the killing of the non-combatant civilians. It is not kidnapping one soldier or two in military operations between armed men from two sides.
Today Israel has become a malignant cancer eating away at the body of the Middle East. I still consider myself a peacenik, and as such I will not call for the destruction of Israel or the harming of any Israelis. I am only calling for the isolation of Israel behind a wall it built it itself. It has never been part of our region and does not seem to want to belong.
I withdraw my recognition of Israel and ask all Arabs, especially Egyptians and Jordanians, to lead the way, as their governments have signed peace treaties with Israel.
Political parties in the two countries can open a debate about unrecognizing Israel. And citizens can write to their newspapers, or call T.V. stations to announce their position. Maybe Arab human rights groups can start petitions to withdraw popular recognitions of Israel.
I know that this would be easy for Islamic groups as they have never really recognized Israel, but I am hoping that the secular parties would be enthusiastic so that the rejection would reflect a national rather than, a religious attitude.
Today Gaza strip is a Nazi concentration camp or a Warsaw Ghetto. Palestinians there are murdered every day, and maybe two to three percent would survive the Israli onslaught in the end, just like the polish Jews.
In Lebanon, Hizbullah launched a cross-border military attack, without consulting the Lebanese government. The Israeli government itself does not accuse the Lebanese government of complicity and the U.S. administration supports it. Hizbullah represents only half faction; Amal represents the other half of the Shiites. Still, Israel attacked the whole of Lebanon, killing innocent civilians and destroying the country's infrastructure in a collective punishment unseen since the Nazis.
There are many reasons for Israel's criminality. I would name among these envy. Lebanon is more beautiful as a country. Its people are more popular world-wide and not only among Arabs. It is a publishing house as much as Israel is a factory of death. Its cedar trees are natural as much as Israel's green is artificial and chemical, manufactured like the whole country.
Israel is trying to kill Lebanon with its venom. But poison that does not kill makes the person stronger, and Lebanon will emerge from its ordeal much healthier and stronger.
I call on every Arab, but especially Egyptians and Jordanians, to withdraw their recognition of Israel as I do today.
I hereby declare that I am withdrawing my recognition of Israel.
It is not a state. It is a criminal enterprise, more dangerous than any known mafia. A mafia family may bribe one judge. Israel has bought the whole (American) system, which has installed itself as judge to the world.
Israel is not the only democracy in the Middle East, as it is touted. It is institutionalized state terrorism. Figures don't lie and they tell us that Israel killed five times more Palestinian civilians than it lost since 29/09/2001. And in the latest outbreak of fighting with Hizbullah it has killed ten times more Lebanese civilians than it has lost, a Nazi ratio. There is terrorism on both sides, but the numbers show us that Israel is five times more terrorists than all the Palestinian and Lebanese groups put together. Any person who rejects the so-called "moral equivalency" is a neo-Nazi terrorist.
As a Lebanese, I did not have to recognize Israel. My country did not sign a peace treaty with Israel. But I have always regarded myself as an advocate of peace, and after 1993 I decided to be at the forefront of the peace march. I promised myself to see Jerusalem for the first time since the end of 1966.
My opposition to Israel was passive. I boycotted everything Israeli or connected with Israel. But peace was around the corner, or so I thought, and I gradually ended my boycott, without (knowingly) contacting Israeli individuals so as not to break Lebanese law. Having lived in London since 1975 I entered Marks and Spencer for the first time in my life in 1995.
But Israeli extremists killed the only prime minister who could deliver the peace, and he was succeeded by a professional loser, and eventually thugs and war criminals, and finally a new Fuhrer, or cappo di tutti cappi.
Israel has killed thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, including whole families. We have seen the pictures. We have heard the cries of children. Terrorism is the killing of the non-combatant civilians. It is not kidnapping one soldier or two in military operations between armed men from two sides.
Today Israel has become a malignant cancer eating away at the body of the Middle East. I still consider myself a peacenik, and as such I will not call for the destruction of Israel or the harming of any Israelis. I am only calling for the isolation of Israel behind a wall it built it itself. It has never been part of our region and does not seem to want to belong.
I withdraw my recognition of Israel and ask all Arabs, especially Egyptians and Jordanians, to lead the way, as their governments have signed peace treaties with Israel.
Political parties in the two countries can open a debate about unrecognizing Israel. And citizens can write to their newspapers, or call T.V. stations to announce their position. Maybe Arab human rights groups can start petitions to withdraw popular recognitions of Israel.
I know that this would be easy for Islamic groups as they have never really recognized Israel, but I am hoping that the secular parties would be enthusiastic so that the rejection would reflect a national rather than, a religious attitude.
Today Gaza strip is a Nazi concentration camp or a Warsaw Ghetto. Palestinians there are murdered every day, and maybe two to three percent would survive the Israli onslaught in the end, just like the polish Jews.
In Lebanon, Hizbullah launched a cross-border military attack, without consulting the Lebanese government. The Israeli government itself does not accuse the Lebanese government of complicity and the U.S. administration supports it. Hizbullah represents only half faction; Amal represents the other half of the Shiites. Still, Israel attacked the whole of Lebanon, killing innocent civilians and destroying the country's infrastructure in a collective punishment unseen since the Nazis.
There are many reasons for Israel's criminality. I would name among these envy. Lebanon is more beautiful as a country. Its people are more popular world-wide and not only among Arabs. It is a publishing house as much as Israel is a factory of death. Its cedar trees are natural as much as Israel's green is artificial and chemical, manufactured like the whole country.
Israel is trying to kill Lebanon with its venom. But poison that does not kill makes the person stronger, and Lebanon will emerge from its ordeal much healthier and stronger.
I call on every Arab, but especially Egyptians and Jordanians, to withdraw their recognition of Israel as I do today.
I am not sure denouncing Israel and pretending it doesn't exist will make the things you're angry about better. I do understand and feel your anger, but Israel, like any other country, is subject to criticism and sanctions and war if need be, but it's still a country with good and bad people, good and bad policies and good and bad traditions just like any other country in the world.
When Israel invaded Lebanon on July 12th, I was like, "fuck Israel." I wanted the Arabs to get together and give it a blow and teach it not to fuck with them once and for all. But do I think that Israel shouldn't exist? Well, no. Not more than I think Lebanon or Saudi Arabia shouldn't exist.
There are so many Israeli voices that are for peace and justice. Their voices might be drowned out by the cacophony of hate and anger right now, but they do exist and they want a reaching hand from their counterparts in the neighboring countries. I believe uniting with them will ensure that the voices of injustice, hatred and anger are drowned out for good on both sides.
I am not trying to play down your anger. I feel it too. I just think there are better ways to deal with it than to futilely denounce a sovereign nation. An oppressive, and occupying nation, but sovereign nevertheless.
لايوجد استفزاز في الصحافة العربيه مثل قرأة تفاهة وغثاثة جهاد الخزان .. فهو ان لم يترجم مقالات من كبريات الصحف الامريكيه والبريطانيه ( وهي صنعته اصلا ) ثم يستغفلنا ويلصقها باسمه ويضننا نصدق انها من كتابته .. فهو يستلم صاحب سمو او رئيس ( مدهن على قول ام شكيم ) يمدحه ويستخف دمه ويذكر خصال ربانيه لبشر مايفكون الخط او عمرهم ما قرأوا كتاب واحد في حياتهم .. اويستفزك بالكلام عن الفنادق والمطاعم والسيارات والمدن والشواطىء الغاليه التي يتسكع فيها بفلوسنا وماذا قالت عجوزه او بنته ال ** ..! اما طامة البلايا فهو عندما يستفزنا بعلاقة الطيزين في صروال مع من نقضي اعمارنا ونحن نخاف من صورهم في الصحف ولانحلم وربما لا نرغب يوما بمشاهدتهم على الطبيعه .. فيقول انه يستخدم كمسوده لخرابيطه اوراق رسميه غاليه جدا وخاصه اخذها من المكتب الخاص لهذا المسؤل الكبير او ذاك .. او يحدثنا عن سهرة منفرده حتى الفجر مع شخص يسفك الملايين عرقهم ودمهم وكرامتهم للفوز بلقائه لمدة ثلاثين ثانيه ..
او يحدثنا عن حضور سباقات سيارات او خيول تذاكرها تعادل راتب شهر على الاقل في المملكه او سنه في لبنان .. او يحدثنا عن ملكات جمال العالم والتي التقاهن ( اين ؟؟ )
وربما يتحفنا ( بمهاذرة ) كما يسميها لعنه الله فيستخف دمه ويستفزنا بقلة حيلتنا وضعفنا فيستعرض علاقاته مع كبار القوم في بلادنا وماذا قالوا له من نكات وماذا رد عليها .. وكيف انه يحضر من المطار ويتوجه الى القصور التي تنفتح ابوابها امامه ويدخل فيجد الوجوه الباسمه والنكات والتعليقات الطريفه .. كم اتمنى ان يقع هذا المهذار يوما بيد الارهابيين ليفشوا خلقي ويبردوا قلبي من هذا اللص المنافق الجر** ابن ال ** .. ؟؟
اتمنى ان اراه مجردا من قوته .. عاريا كالدجاجة المنتفه ينتفض خوفا .. يتسول العفو .. ولكنها امنيات ..واعلم انه سيموت مثل الامراء وستنعيه الصحافه والاعلام وسيترحمون عليه .. ولازال مبسوط وانا مجرد احلم واحقد فقط ..!
Who gives a shit about whether or not you recognize Israel. It makes about as much difference as a horsefly circling the horse's ass.
Your precious Hamas and FATAH are bringing Palestine into a civil war over this very same question.
All this proves is that FATAH is a whore, willing to accept money over principles.
Personally, I hope both parties end up doing about the deaths of more Palestinians. At least there will be less potential suicide bombers.
I would be very careful about throwing around the Nazi reference around Jews... remember who Hitler was targeting?
Plus this is hardly the olive branch that you claim you have longed for being the "peace loving" person you are.
For someone so peace loving there is a great deal of hate in your blog... hate which saddens me greatly.
I live and breath in Israel I am a person of peace. I wish no-one any harm. And when Hizbollah captured the soldiers prior to July 12th I prayed that they would be returned safely without violence or bloodshed...
However, it would seem tragically that a people divided by religious beliefs and yet united by the view that they are the downtrodden people of the world, are senslessly killing themselves and using their children as human shields.
I weep for you and your people and I hope that one day you will see the light and learn that if you want peace you must take responsibility for your own people and demand peace from them!
Being an Arab means never having to say you're sorry.
Nope, I haven't read your blog, not even this post that I'm commenting on. I did though do a google news search for "Menachem Begin" and came across your "article". I had ,my search terms highlighted so all I actually read of your "piece" is:
"Of course, there are a thousand subjects in return about the cooperation between the Zionists and the Nazis, such as Menachem Begin and the Betar Movement and the Zionist sacrifice of the Jews of Hungary, but there is not enough space in this column to talk about all of this. "
Now personally, I don't give a crap if you don't like us Jews, in fact, I don't give a crap if you hate us and plan to kill a few of us. Asshole Jew-haters and Jew-killers like you are a dime a dozen and you'll always be around to stink up our biosphere. In fact, my guess is that you'll bag yourself a couple of Hebrews during the next Holocaust. Good for you.
But, but, but - my dirty little arab. At least mother-fuckin get your facts straight! I mean, if you want to get a few normal folk on your side of satan at least sound reasonably intelligent and informed! Not only are you a dirty little murderer with sick fantasies splattering up the innards of his skull but you don't even have the simple brainspace to get the basic details of your accusations correct!
Poor little dirtball...
P.S. Though my presented prescript may make this hard to believe, I actually LOVE normal, gfood and rational Arabs and Muslims (such as Sandmonkey, Rampurple, etc.) - on the very slight chance therefore that you're not actually a innately sick puddle of vomit but rather an ill informed and ignorant potential "good guy", I withdraw all insults and wish you all the best. Considering the scientific unlikelyhood of such however, I regret only the fact of your existence. m
very well said. i look forward to reading you more often in al hayat... the americans assassinated gemayel to foment what you are seeing and hearing today from the funeral. this was clearly a cia-style assassination coinciding with syria's move towards relations with iraq.
never underestimate the viciousness of the bush crime family, the cia, and their friends in the middle east: israel and massad.
keep writing, and peace to you.
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You have the same disgusting view of Israel and Israeli’s as 99% of your fellow Muslims. You seem to forget that terrorism and assassinations are a product of YOUR religion, of YOUR perpetual drive to conquer, subjugate, enslave, maim or assassinate non-Muslims, the infidels, and in particular the Jews?
YOUR continual blaming of others for something YOU created and practice yourselves is making me, and the real world (meaning: people with a heart, an own mind, equality and freedom) sick. Politicians, large corporations and the ignorami may continue to look at Islam as the religion of peace, purely out of selfishness (or because they succumbed to Islamofascists’ threats), but really, look at the world, look at the status of your own pathetic Islamic states, remember your history. The submission of 1.2 billion to this violent “religion” has been the result of never-ending wars, terrorist attacks and occupations of other people’s lands. Muhammad and his gang started their war by breaching the Treaty of Hudaybiya, and ever since his followers occupied lands and submitted (almost all) inhabitants in the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia and parts of Europe. And these belligerent, violent abuses continue worldwide until this very day, either by the sword or treachery.
The violence of YOUR fellow Muslims will continue to grow, unless that silent, peaceful Muslim “majority” will stop them. Non-Muslims can’t, shouldn’t and won’t.
And until then we, Jews, will continue to protect ourselves, whatever it takes. Your Quran orders Muslims to kill every Jew, visioned by your Prophet to be hiding behind trees. We are sane people with feelings and strong desire for survival (instead of death and 72 virgins in paradise), and will not hesitate to defend ourselves against all spineless Islamofascists, even if they, cowards as they are, hide behind women and children.
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